Colleges & Universities Accelerate Innovation Because of Coronavirus

While universal trends were certainly already leaning towards more online innovation and a decreased dependency on in-person events, classes, and meetups, COVID-19 has definitely accelerated this movement. Although this can be seen as a disruption and can feel intimidating, in reality, it’s an opportunity for innovation in learning, and to bring new platforms, services, and products to life to serve both students and alumni. 


Even post-COVID, the learnings will still serve universities as more students look to complete their coursework 100% online. Making these large scale changes, however, can be difficult for universities to complete on their own – this is where Inventive comes in.

How Can Inventive Help?

Universities have a unique set of clearly defined goals:

  • Easier, faster digital solutions that can be deployed online quickly
  • Modernized legacy systems needing to be migrated to the cloud, or rearchitected
  • A frictionless extension of the existing technology team
  • Mobile app, custom software, and website development

Inventive has experience quickly bringing in-person programs online for a wide range of university properties to serve the changing needs of both students and faculty. Our experience in delivering new products and technology solutions to meet these everchanging needs is second to none.


We recently completed a new website for Texas A&M Muster and were able to complete it – from start to finish – in three weeks. The website had all of the features that were requested:

  • A live stream of the campus ceremony
  • Interactive roll call
  • A map of users across the world
  • Muster event registration
  • Reflections of the fallen
  • The ability to virtually visit Texas A&M Campus
  • An option to donate

Inventive can define the needs of your university and help guide the vision you need to win tomorrow.

The Inventive Discovery Process

Our discovery process ensures you get everything you’re hoping for. It’s as follows:

  • A high-level whiteboard session to understand requirements and needs
  • A review of the current application (as a user/consumer)
  • A technical deep dive into understanding solutions and needs
  • System and architectural designs are started
  • Proof of concepts created to support features
  • Data architecture design started
  • Choose supporting services and vendors
  • Finalize designs
  • Generate findings documentation
  • A review with stakeholders to refine
  • Submit to move forward with the build

We then present you with early-design prototyping so you can see your vision quickly come to life, get stakeholders aligned, and set the project on an accelerated pace of quick design iterations and into full development. 


Inventive takes ideas and hard-to-solve technical problems to build innovative problems, drive growth, enhance customer experiences, and improve operational efficiencies. Give us a call to schedule your complimentary consultation today!