Tech, the tech world, coding, etc are words that get thrown around a lot. Often people who are looking to change careers and come over to the “tech side of life” are not as familiar with exactly what that means. Many people who have graduated tech boot camps or who are interested in participating in one often ask, well what can I do with all this new knowledge? What jobs are out there? Can I only be a Software Engineer?

The answer is NO! The tech world is filled with so many options! Not only in regards to what kind of a role one can apply for but also in regards to what sector to go into that is tech related. For example, a lot of people don’t think of health or medical as tech fields. But there are so many tech jobs within those fields, how else could a hospital keep up with thousands of patients a day in today’s electronic expectations? Here is a small list of some of the fields a person with software engineering abilities can go into:

Biotech Clean tech Mobile Advertising
Automobile Games eCommerce Hardware
Medical Video/Film Fashion Education
Enterprise Software Messaging Travel  Security
Analytics Social Finance People Ops Tech

Once you choose the field you want to go into you then even choose what you want to do within that field. Do you want to design it, build it, say how others are going to use it, or do you want to manage others or projects, do you want to do analysis, or quality assurance? Here are some ways you can put skills in software development to use:

App Developer Software Developer Technical Project Manager Quality Assurance Manager
Designer UI/Front End Developer UX Expert Computer Support Specialists
Database Administrator Computer Network Specialists Cloud Computing Engineers Information Technology Analyst
Information Security Specialists Web Developer

There are a lot of choices out there and each one is different. The best way to get to know where you would fit in best is to first get to know yourself and your strengths. Then talk to people in the industry who can help steer you in the right direction to where your strengths will be the most utilized.

So get out there and talk to people! See what they do, how they like it, ask if they could do anything what would they do? Meetups are happening all the time, hosted by tech companies or other groups. Check them out and see exactly how you are going to reinvent yourself.

Check out Inventive’s Meetups!

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